Moving away from Bowl feeding

As we try to feed our dogs a diet that matches their ‘wild’ counterparts, why don’t we match HOW they eat it too?

Normal dog behaviour requires outlets for normal behaviour. If they are unable to express natural ‘instincts’ then problems can arise. Dogs are naturally hunter scavengers, relying on smell to locate food sources and their paws and mouths to collect and pull apart items to access food. This process takes time, mental work and physical effort. Food delivered in a bowl can give your dogs their whole caloric intake in a few short seconds. What a wasted opportunity!

Instead, putting food into activities that create an outlet for sniffing, pulling, tearing, chewing and licking. Not only can this reduce pulling/tearing/chewing/licking of unwanted items but also helps meet our dogs needs. Meeting their needs supports mental health and can help calm their emotional state.

These activities do not require buying fancy food dispensing toys (although this is quite a fun outlet for my internet shopping habit), you can make stimulating activities with your items at home. Have a lawn or courtyard? simply scatter the food. Using wet food? Put tea spoons of food in small dishes around the house or yard. Before you throw out your paper recycling hide kibble and treats inside them so they can be pulled apart!

Check out @thewholehound instagram page for more ideas


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